Publications & Outputs

Reducing Old-Age Social Exclusion through Collaborations in Research and Policy CA15122

ROSEnet will produce new research knowledge and analyses, and peer-review publications. Some of these outputs will be specific to particular projects and topics that the Action’s working groups, researchers and policy stakeholders are working on and are likely to emerge as collaborations evolve and develop. In addition to these, there are also a number of scheduled outputs and deliverables that are linked to the activities and events of ROSEnet and its working groups. These outputs are described below.

Targeted Policy Messages

In response to a number of major societal issues in relation to and involving older people, ROSEnet will be developing a series of targeted policy messages on specific topics over the coming year. Messages will be derived from expertise and active research programmes within the ROSEnet COST Action.

Long-Term Care Policy Messages

These messages have been developed in line with principle 18 of the European Pillar of Social Rights, which calls for access to affordable and good quality long-term care services. Please click here for the ROSEnet LTC policy messages.