ROSEnet has a number of democratically elected positions and core groups to help drive the Action. This includes the positions of: Chair and Vice Chair; Working Group Co-Leaders; the Dissemination Officer, the Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) Coordinator, the Training School Coordinator, the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, and their respective boards and committees; the Scientific Steering Group (comprising of all of these positions); and the Management Committee (comprising of all members of the Action). Those fulfilling these role and their affiliations are listed below.
Aimed at embedding the participation of early career investigators in the ROSEnet action, the PhD Forum provides a supportive network for 10 PhD students working on topics related to old-age social exclusion. The Forum will serve as a collegial space for methodological discussion, the presentation of preliminary findings, and conceptual debate. Forum participants can actively draw on expertise from across the Action for guidance, support and informal mentorship.
Members Include:
Phd Forum Co-Ordinator: Mirza Emirhafizovic, PhD, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Older Adult Reference Group has been established as a means of including the voices and perspectives of older people within the ROSEnet Action. Embedding ‘on-the-ground’ experiences of older adult advocates, and the organisations that they represent, will help ensure the Action’s approach, activities and outcomes are relevant and impactful. The Group also provides the opportunities for individuals to participate in the Action’s activities and events, as members of the Action, and provides a space for individuals with shared interests to discuss and debate topics related to old-age social exclusion.
Members Include:
Facilitator: Marcela Petrová Kafková, Czech Republic
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Country | Title | First name | Last name | Group | Institution |
Austria | Prof | Franz | Kolland | MC Members | University of Vienna |
Austria | Prof | Kai | Brauer | MC Members | IARA center for research on ageing |
Austria | Dr | Anna | Wanka | MC Members | Department of Sociology |
Austria | Ms | Vera | Gallistl | Working Group Member | University of Vienna |
Austria | Dr | Birgit | Aigner-Walder | MC Members | School of Management |
Australia | Prof | Jeni | Warburton | MC Observer | La Trobe University |
Belgium | Prof | Veerle | Draulans | MC Members | KU LEUVEN (University of Leuven) |
Belgium | Ms | Sofie | Van Regenmortel | MC Members | Vrije Universiteit Brussel |
Belgium | Prof | Olivier Masson | Masson | MC Members | Université catholique de Louvain |
Belgium | Dr | Guido | Cuyvers | Working Group Member | Vlaamse Ouderenraad (Belgium) |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Dr | Mirza | Emirhafizovic | MC Members | University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Political Sciences |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Prof | Rahman | Nurkovic | MC Members | Faculty of Science |
Brussels | Mr | Maciej | Kucharczyk | Specific Organisations | AGE Platform Europe |
Bulgaria | Dr | Eleonora | Gaydarova | MC Members | New Bulgarian University |
Bulgaria | Dr | Nadezhda | Todorovska | MC Members | Bulgarian Red Cross |
Bulgaria | Ms | Siana | Karsheva | MC Members | Bulgarian Red Cross |
Canada | Prof | Norah | Keating | MC Observer | University of Alberta |
Croatia | Dr | Slaven | Gasparovic | MC Members | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography |
Croatia | Dr | Marija | Geiger Zeman | MC Members | Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar |
Croatia | Dr | Zdenko | Zeman | MC Members | Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar |
Croatia | Dr | Marcel | Leppée | MC Members | Andrija Stampar Institute of Public Health |
Cyprus | Prof | Constantinos | PHELLAS | MC Members | University of Nicosia |
Cyprus | Dr | Costas | Constantinou | MC Members | University of Nicosia |
Cyprus | Dr | Byron | Ioannou | MC Members | Frederick University |
Czech Republic | Dr | Lucie | Vidovicova | MC Members | Masaryk University |
Czech Republic | Prof | Karel | Schmeidler | MC Members | University of Technology |
Czech Republic | Dr | Marcela | Petrová, Kafková | MC Members | Masaryk University |
Denmark | Prof | John | Andersen | MC Members | Roskilde University |
Denmark | Prof | Annette | Bilfeldt | MC Members | Aalborg University, Copenhagen |
Denmark | Mr | Wouter | De Tavernier | MC Members | Aalborg University |
Denmark | Prof | Per | Jensen | MC Members | Aalborg University |
Denmark | Dr | Anu | Siren | MC Members | The Danish National Centre for Social Research |
Denmark | Dr | Marianne | Mahler | MC Substitute | Aalborg University |
Estonia | Prof | Anu | Leppiman | MC Members | Tallinn University of Technology |
Estonia | Ms | Lilli | Abuladze | MC Members | Estonian Institute for Population Studies, Tallinn University |
Estonia | Dr | Luule | Sakkeus | MC Substitute | Tallinn University |
Finland | Prof | Marjaana | Seppänen | MC Members | University of Helsinki |
Finland | Dr | Päivi | Topo | MC Members | The Age Institute |
Finland | Ms | Elisa | Tiilikainen | MC Members | University of Eastern Finland |
Finland | Ms | Suvi | Fried | MC Members | The Age Institute |
France | Dr | Jim | OGG | MC Members | Caisse nationale d'assurance vieillesse |
France | Prof | Thibauld | Moulaert | MC Members | Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) |
France | Ms | Cécile | Rosenfelder | MC Substitute | Université Paris-Est Créteil |
France | Mr | Jean-Pierre | Bultez | Working Group Member | Les Petits Frères des Pauvres (France) |
France/Italy | Dr | Florent | Choclat | Working Group Member | UMR Pacte CNRS 5194 - Univ. Grenoble Alpes / Dipartimento di sociologia e ricerca sociale - Univ. Milano Bicocca |
Germany | Prof | Josefine | Heusinger | MC Members | University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal |
Germany | Dr | Birgit | Wolter | MC Members | Institut für Gerontologische Forschung |
Germany | Prof | Jürgen | Wolf | MC Members | Hochschule Magedeburg-Stendal / University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg |
Germany | Ms | Katrin | Falk | MC Members | Institut für Gerontologische Forschung e. V. (IGF) |
Germany | Prof Dr | Monika | Alisch | Working Group Member | Fulda University of Applied Sciences, Germany |
Greece | Ms | Vasiliki | Gountsidou | MC Members | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki |
Greece | Dr | Ioannis | Kostakis | MC Members | Harokopio University of Athens |
Hungary | Prof | Zsuzsa | Szeman | MC Members | Institute for Sociology |
Hungary | Ms | Anette Mara | Trobert | MC Members | Institut of Mental Health |
Hungary | Mr | László | Patyán | MC Members | University of Debrecen, Faculty of Health |
Hungary | Mr | Marton | Medgyesi | MC Substitute | TARKI, Social Research Institute |
Iceland | Prof | Agusta | Palsdottir | MC Members | University of Iceland |
Iceland | Dr | Sigurveig | Sigurdardottir | MC Members | School of Social Sciences |
Iceland | Ms | Kristín | Einarsdóttir | MC Substitute | University of Iceland |
Ireland | Dr | Kieran | Walsh | MC Members | Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, National University of Ireland Galway |
Ireland | Prof | Eamon | O'Shea | MC Members | National University of Ireland Galway |
Ireland | Dr | Joe | Larragy | MC Members | National University of Ireland Maynooth |
Ireland | Mr | Bernard | McDonald | MC Members | Irish Centre for Social Gerontology |
Ireland | Dr | Trudy | Corrigan | MC Members | Dublin City University |
Ireland | Dr | Mary | McDonnell Naughton | Working Group Member | Athlone Institute of Technology |
Ireland | Dr | Anna | Urbaniak | Working Group Member | Irish Centre for Social Gerontology NUI Galway |
Israel | Mr | Sagiv | Segal | MC Members | |
Israel | Prof | Ariela | Lowenstein | MC Members | Center for Research & Study, Haifa University, Israel |
Israel | Prof | Noemi | Bitterman | MC Members | Technion-Israel Institute of Technology |
Israel | Dr | Pnina | Ron | MC Members | University of Haifa |
Italy | Dr | Francesco | Barbabella | MC Members | National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing (INRCA) |
Italy | Dr | Giovanni | Lamura | MC Members | INRCA - National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing |
Italy | Dr | Emanuela | Maria Sala | MC Substitute | Università di MIlano Bicocca |
Italy | Dr | Zaccaria | Daniele | MC Substitute | Golgi Cenci Foundation |
Italy | Ms | Pryanka | Boerio | Working Group Member | University of Milan- Bicocca |
Lithuania | Prof | Ausra | Maslauskaite | MC Members | Vytautas Magnus University |
Lithuania | Dr | Rytis | Maskeliunas | MC Members | Kaunas University of Technology |
Lithuania | Mr | Daumantas | Stumbrys | MC Members | Vytautas Magnus University |
Lithuania | Dr | Vidas | Raudonis | MC Members | Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
Lithuania | Dr | Rapolienė | Gražina | Working Group Member | Lithuanian Social Research Centre, Lithuania |
Luxembourg | Dr | Isabelle | Tournier | MC Members | University of Luxembourg |
Luxembourg | Prof | Dieter | Ferring | MC Members | University of Luxembourg |
Luxembourg | Dr | Elke | Murdock | MC Substitute | University of Luxembourg |
Macedonia, Republic of | Dr | Dijana | Jovanoska | MC Members | Ministry of Health |
Macedonia, Republic of | Dr | Marijan | Stevanovski | MC Members | MIT University Skopje |
Macedonia, Republic of | Dr | Daniel | Pavlovski | MC Substitute | Mother Tereza University |
Malta | Dr | Marvin | Formosa | MC Members | University of Malta |
Malta | Mr | Moses | Azzopardi | Working Group Member | National Association of Pensioners (Malta) |
Montenegro | Prof | Stevo | Popović | MC Members | University of Montenegro |
Montenegro | Prof | Duško | Bjelica | MC Members | University of Montenegro |
Montenegro | Dr | Bojan | Masanovic | MC Substitute | University of Montenegro |
Netherlands | Dr | Fleur | Thomese | MC Members | VU University |
Netherlands | Prof | Jenny | Gierveld | MC Members | Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) |
Netherlands | Dr | Irene | Cieraad | MC Members | Delft University of Technology (TUD) |
Netherlands | Dr | Wander | Van der Vaart | MC Substitute | University of Humanistic Studies |
Norway | Dr | Marja | Aartsen | MC Members | NOVA Centre for Welfare and Labour Research |
Norway | Mr | Johan | Barstad | MC Members | The Norwegian University College for Agriculture and Rural Development |
Norway | Prof | Rhys | Evans | MC Members | Hogskulen for landbruk og bygdeutvikling |
Norway | Dr | Ursula Småland | Goth | MC Members | Oslo and Akershus University College |
Poland | Dr | Michal | Myck | MC Members | Centre for Economic Analysis, CenEA |
Poland | Dr | Jolanta | Perek-Bialas | MC Members | Jagiellonian University |
Poland | Dr | Wieslawa L. | Nowacka | MC Members | Warsaw University of Life Sciences |
Poland | Mr | Andrzej | Klimczuk | Working Group Member | Warsaw School of Economics |
Portugal | Prof | João | Abreu e Silva | MC Members | Instituto Superior Técnico |
Portugal | Prof | Carlos | Ferreira | MC Members | Centro de Estudos Geográficos - Universidade de Lisboa |
Portugal | Dr | Ines | Amaral | MC Members | University of Minho |
Portugal | Prof | Henrique | Barros | MC Members | |
Romania | Dr | Iuliana | Precupetu | MC Members | Research Institute for Quality of Life |
Romania | Prof | Sergiu | Baltatescu | MC Members | University of Oradea |
Romania | Dr | Cosmina-Elena | Pop | MC Members | The Research Institute for Quality of Life, Romanian Academy |
Romania | Dr | Ana Maria | Preoteasa | MC Members | Research Institute for Quality of Life |
Romania | Ms | Raluca | Buhas | MC Members | University of Oradea |
Romania | Prof | Floarea | Chipea | MC Members | |
Russian Federation | Ms | Oksana | Parfenova | MC Observer | ITMO University |
Serbia | Dr | Goran | Sevo | MC Members | Institute for Gerontology and Palliative Care, Belgrade |
Serbia | Dr | Aleksandra | Milicevic Kalasic | MC Members | Institute for Gerontology and Palliative Care, Belgrade |
Slovenia | Prof | Valentina | Hlebec | MC Members | University of Ljubljana |
Slovenia | Mr | Otto | Gerdina | Working Group Member | University of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
South Africa | Prof | Vera | Roos | MC Observer | North West University |
Spain | Dr | Feliciano | Villar | MC Members | University of Barcelona |
Spain | Dr | Raquel | Marbán-Flores | MC Members | Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
Spain | Dr | Blanca | Deusdad | MC Members | Rovira i Virgili University |
Spain | Dr | José Jesús | Delgado Peña | MC Members | Facultad de Filosofía y Letras |
Sweden | Prof | Andreas | Motel-Klingebiel | MC Members | Linköping University |
Sweden | Prof | Sandra | Torres | MC Members | Uppsala University |
Sweden | Dr | Lena | Dahlberg | MC Members | Dalarna University |
Sweden | Dr | Stefan | Fors | MC Members | Karolinska Institutet |
Switzerland | Prof | Matthias | Drilling | MC Members | University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland |
Switzerland | Prof | Carlo | Knöpfel | MC Members | |
Switzerland | Prof | Joerg | Dittmann | MC Members | FHNW |
Turkey | Dr | Nilufer | Yaylagul | MC Members | Faculty of Art |
Turkey | Dr | Hande | BARLIN | MC Members | Gebze Technical University |
United Kingdom | Prof | Thomas | Scharf | MC Members | Newcastle University |
United Kingdom | Prof | Vanessa | Burholt | MC Members | Swansea University |
United Kingdom | Prof | Thomas | Scharf | MC Members | Newcastle University |
United Kingdom | Dr | Tine | Buffel | MC Members | the University of Manchester |
United Kingdom | Dr | Suzanne | Moffatt | MC Members | Health & Society |
United Kingdom | Ms | Patricia | Conboy | Specific Organisations | Help Age International |
United Kingdom | Dr | Catherine | MacLeod | Working Group Member | Bangor University |
New Zealand | Mr | Charles | Waldegrave | MC Observers | |
United States of America | Dr | Jessica | Kelley-Moore | MC Observers | |
Russian Federation | Dr | Elena | Golubeva | MC Observers | Northern Arctic Federal University |
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