If you are already a member of ROSEnet and would like to register for membership access for this website, please complete the short form below. Upon approval you will be emailed your username, password and login url. Once logged in you can change your auto-generated password on your profile page.
Kieran Walsh, Irish Centre for Social Gerontology, NUI Galway, Ireland.
E-mail: kieran.walsh@nuigalway.ie
Thomas Scharf, Institute for Ageing, Newcastle University, UK.
E-mail: Thomas.Scharf@newcastle.ac.uk
Christine De Largy, Grant Manager CA15122
Irish Centre for Social Gerontology,
Institute for Lifecourse & Society,
NUI Galway,
Phone: 0035391495461
Email: rosenet@nuigalway.ie
For queries in relation to the distribution of findings, analysis documents and outputs, please contact:
Päivi Topo, The Age Institute, Finland.
E-mail: paivi.topo@ikainstituutti.fi
For queries in relation to Training Schools, please contact:
Marjaana Seppänen, University of Helsinki, Finland.
E-mail: marjaana.seppanen@helsinki.fi
For queries in relation to Short-Term Scientific Missions, please contact:
Feliciano Villar, University of Barcelona, Spain.
E-mail: fvillar@ub.edu
For queries in relation to the Economic Working Group, please contact:
Michal Myck, Centre for Economic Analysis (CenEA), Poland.
E-mail: mmyck@cenea.org.pl
Jim Ogg, Caisse nationale d’assurance, France.
E-mail: jim.ogg@cnav.fr
For queries in relation to the Social Relations Working Group, please contact:
Marja Aartsen, NOVA, Norweigan Social Research, Norway.
E-mail: Marja.Aartsen@nova.hioa.no
Vanessa Burholt, Centre for Innovative Ageing, Swansea University, UK.
E-mail: v.burholt@swansea.ac.uk
For queries in relation to the Services Working Group, please contact:
Veerle Draulans, University of Leuven, Belgium.
E-mail: veerle.draulans@soc.kuleuven.be
Giovanni Lamura, INRCA - National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing, Italy.
E-mail: G.Lamura@inrca.it
For queries in relation to the Civic Rights Working Group, please contact:
Ariela Lowenstein, Max Stern Yezreel Valley Academic College, Israel.
E-mail: ariela@research.haifa.ac.il
Sandra Torres, Uppsala University, Sweden.
E-mail: sandra.torres@soc.uu.se
For queries in relation to the Community/Spatial Working Group, please contact:
Lucie Vidovićová, Masaryk University, Czech Republic.
E-mail: Lucie.Vidovic@seznam.cz
Isabelle Tournier, University of Luxemburg, Luxemburg.
E-mail: isabelle.tournier@uni.lu