ROSEnet Closing Conference

A closing conference was recently held in Brussels, Belgium. The aim of the Conference was to direct future policy and practice innovation to secure inclusive ageing experiences for all older people as a part of a strong social Europe. It presented new, evidence-based policy messages targeting major participation domains: civic; social; economic; services; and neighbourhoods and communities. The Conference also presented a roadmap for research and policy collaboration at all levels that advances the capacity of our societies to manage demographic ageing in a fair and just manner. The Conference which is a culmination of the four-year work programme of the ROSEnet Cost Action, – Reducing old-Age Social Exclusion, should eventually inform the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights in policy initiatives targeting inclusion of older persons.


Conference Programme

Age Platform Press Release

New Roadmap for Combatting Social Exclusion in Older Age

Conference Proceedings